Dementia is the syndrome in which affects the brain and hence cause serious loss of cognitive ability in aging person. It causes major dysfunction in memory, attention, language, and problem solving abilities, is now said get treated by the daily intake of beet juice, which in turn increase the blood flow in the brain in older adults.

A new study found in this prospect that beet juice can combat the progression of Dementia. As beet root contains high concentrations of nitrates which when comes in contact with the bacteria’s in mouth gets converted into nitrites and nitrites in turn open blood vessels in the body and increase the blood flow in the places in the body where it is required the most.
It has been shown previously also that nitrites found in high concentration in celery, cabbage, and other leafy, green vegetables like spinach, widely blood vessels but this study was first to say that nitrites increase blood flow in the brain as well. "There have been several very high-profile studies showing that drinking beet juice can lower blood pressure, but we wanted to show that drinking beet juice also increases perfusion, or blood flow, to the brain," said Daniel Kim-Shapiro, director of Wake Forest University's Translational Science Center; Fostering Independence in Aging.
The study on Beet root was done on 14 adults age 70 and older over a period of four days, where the researchers looked at the effects of the dietary intake of nitrates, where the subjects reported to the lab after 10 hours fast, for the first two days they consumed either a high and a low nitrate rich diet including 16 ounces of beet juice, where high nitrates is to be given more and recorded the blood flow by MRI and for the third and fourth days of the study, the researchers switched the diets and repeated the process for each subject.
It showed that by eating nitrate rich diet increase the blood flow to the white matter of the frontal lobes he areas of the brain commonly associated with degeneration that leads to dementia and other cognitive conditions.
The findings are published online in Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, journal of the Nitric Oxide Society and will be available in print soon.

A new study found in this prospect that beet juice can combat the progression of Dementia. As beet root contains high concentrations of nitrates which when comes in contact with the bacteria’s in mouth gets converted into nitrites and nitrites in turn open blood vessels in the body and increase the blood flow in the places in the body where it is required the most.

The study on Beet root was done on 14 adults age 70 and older over a period of four days, where the researchers looked at the effects of the dietary intake of nitrates, where the subjects reported to the lab after 10 hours fast, for the first two days they consumed either a high and a low nitrate rich diet including 16 ounces of beet juice, where high nitrates is to be given more and recorded the blood flow by MRI and for the third and fourth days of the study, the researchers switched the diets and repeated the process for each subject.
It showed that by eating nitrate rich diet increase the blood flow to the white matter of the frontal lobes he areas of the brain commonly associated with degeneration that leads to dementia and other cognitive conditions.
The findings are published online in Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, journal of the Nitric Oxide Society and will be available in print soon.
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